Welcome to the official website of the Lodge of Research 200 (Ireland)
The purpose of this website is to provide information on Irish Freemasonry to the membership under jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland; which operates in various countries throught the world. For a list of the Provincial Grand Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland, CLICK HERE .
The aim of the Lodge is to provide a centre for Freemasons, Researchers and Students of Freemasonry; to encourage and to foster a love of Masonic Research, History, Antiquities and Symbols, by means of the presentation of papers on, and discussions about, such topics.
The Lodge supports all Lodges and Brethren within the Irish Constitution and works closely with those Brethren undertaking research activities and promotes research throughout Irish Freemasonry history in general.
The Lodge of Research does not engage in the exemplification of Masonic Ritual, and confers only the Masonic Degree of Installed Master on its newly elected Worshipful Master.
Thank you for visiting our website. We invite you to investigate Freemasonry. Further information can be obtained by exploring this website, or contacting W. Bro. Ian MacIntyre at ianmac.treasurer@yahoo.com
Summary of the past year:
For a feel of the working of the Lodge of Research, we hope you enjoy this short overview of the events throughout 2016. CLICK HERE for PDF File (5.44MB)
Association: Full Members and Corresponding Members
Full membership is open to all Brethren who are subscribing Past Master of Lodges under the direct
jurisdiction of the of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of
The Lodge of Research 200 operates a Correspondence Circle, which is open to
Master Masons in Good Standing, who are members of Lodges of the Irish Constitution or of any
Constitution recognised by the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
Meetings of the Lodge of Research:
The Stated Communications of the Lodge of Research are held as follows: -
A) The second Saturday in February in the Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, usually
commencing at 2.00 p.m.
B) The fourth Saturdays in April, September and November, at a time and in a Provincial
Centre as determined by the Lodge of Research.
All Full Members of the Lodge of Research and Members of the Lodge CC Correspondence
Circle may attend the Stated Communication Meetings of the Lodge.
A meeting of the Committee of Management will be held as needed prior to the Stated
Communication of the Lodge.
By Laws:
A copy of the Bye Laws of the Lodge of Research No. CC are available upon request from the Hon. Treasurer:
The Hon. Treasurer:
Mr. Ian McIntyre,
8 Century Street,
BT14 7BU,
Northern Ireland.
Tel. : 0044 (0) 2890-756195
e-mail : l200.treasurer@outlook.com